What a crazy time we are experiencing. Any chance you can step back to see any blessings?

For most of you this is a time to finally recharge, sleep in, reconnect with family members, exercise, cook, have a family dinner, clean up your clutter or rearrange your home.
This is a time to make peace with our home base. Find comfort in healthy choices.
Stress overwhelms our immune system along with sugar, alcohol and smoking. Eat as healthy as you can during this time. Turn your focus to fruits and vegetables. Make some healthy habits part of your new routine.
I continue to work the front line as a mental health clinical evaulator. I know this is a scary time. I know people are unraveling. Help is on the way.
Try going within. It is a great time to start journaling your life story. Who are you? What changes do you wish to make? What would you truly like to accomplish in your life time?
There has never been a better time to change your path. There are so many online resources to help you with your new goals.
Its time to self advocate for your own health and well-being. Stay alert and stay well my friends. I am here if you need help. ❤
Here’s a resource: www.mindful.org